Increase in Malware Attacks by 71.39% Witnessed

Hey there folks! I’m here to talk about a chilling trend we’re seeing half a world away. I feel it’s crucial for us to compare notes across borders, so let’s discuss something alarming coming out of Bangladesh – a spike in malware contamination and its potential ransomware risks. This raise is a giant neon sign for us; if we aren’t careful, it’s like we walk through a storm with no umbrella, and we know how San Francisco rain can be a drag!
Picture this. In the past year alone, four major organizations in Bangladesh, including two government entities, have had the misfortune of ransomware attacks. Unexpected, right? Now, we’re not pointing fingers here, but it seems like there’s a common opinion among IT experts that insufficient focus on cyber security and lack of skills are some pieces of this puzzle.
There’s a group out there, the BGD E-Gov CIRT, working under Bangladesh’s information and communication technology department. They’ve been keeping a close eye on the cyber arena and ransomware threats doing their rounds in Bangladesh – kind of like our local watch group patrolling our neighborhoods during the midnight hours.
Last Thursday, they sprung a report on us, coining it ‘Ransomware: A Data-Driven Threat Analysis of Bangladesh.’ Sounds intense, right? Well, it is. This report unpacks the incidents of ransomware attacks and potential risks that swept across the country from late 2022 to 2023. They’ve put in some hard work, dug deep, and fed us some real-time intel, a courtesy all of us in the healthcare and cybersecurity sectors must appreciate.
Speaking as someone born and bred in the San Francisco Bay Area, where tech leaps and bounds every day, it’s a reminder – along with our trend-setting, we must fortify our defenses. We don’t want a repeat of what’s happening in Bangladesh. So, whether it’s healthcare records, patient details, or groundbreaking research data from world-renowned universities, we need to guard them with more than just a password.
Bangladesh’s experience is a wake-up call for everyone who’s swimming in the cyber world. It is the kind of alarm that nudges us into taking cybersecurity not as an afterthought but as an intentional, deliberate priority. It doesn’t matter if you’re operating in healthcare or any other sector; safeguarding your data from ransomware is paramount.
Meanwhile, I encourage you to mull over it, fellow Bay Areans. For, we need to look out for each other, digitally too. It’s our shared respect and care for each other that make us strong. Let’s continue churning the wheels of innovation, but also keep a tight ship in terms of cybersecurity. We simply can’t afford not to.
by Morgan Phisher | HEAL Security