The Royal Gazette: Tech company provides complimentary cyber-security assessments

Hey there, my fellow Bay Area buddies! You know, in the world of healthcare and cybersecurity, things are always changing, right? The other day, I was catching up with my pal, Steve Bull, over a good cup of local brew. Now, Steve’s not your average tech guy. He’s got some serious clout in the scene, with two decades in the game as the COO of a respected Bay Area tech firm.
As we were shooting the breeze, Steve shared a fascinating story about an evolving partnership with an well-known international software company. Their main goal? To provide, at no cost, cybersecurity checks for local businesses! It’s a noble cause, right? Steve is gung-ho about this partnership, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm as he envisions making a significant contribution to strengthen the cybersecurity landscape not just locally, but across the globe.
Now, this isn’t just about a notion of goodwill. If you’ve been reading the news lately, you’ll know that cybersecurity is no joke. Steve tells me that cybercrime has really ramped up, in both frequency and sophistication over the last few years. No kidding, it’s like a tech thriller – except it’s very real. In fact, the Director of National Intelligence (pretty big deal, huh?) marked cybercrime as America’s top security threat two years in a row. Whoa, talk about a wake-up call!
To tackle these menacing cyberspace threats, Steve’s teaming up with this international software company is like joining forces with the superheroes of the cyber world. This collaboration enables local biz folks to get in-your-face, real-time advice about threats they face, straight from the global cybersecurity brainiacs.
Let’s take a moment here – remember all those heavy-duty security breaches we’ve heard about? Remember Sony? Or JP Morgan? And the one that hit Home Depot so hard, it cost them a whopping estimated $62 million? Well, Steve’s team knows all about those, and believe me, they’re serious about making sure slippery cyber threats like these don’t skirt under the radar here in our own backyard.
Even though it might not be in the headlines, Steve assures me that local organizations have had a run-in or two with cyber threats that, while not publicized, are just as costly and astoundingly sophisticated. That puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?
So, what’s the plan? Steve says that they aim to identify and analyze security risks, examine potential vulnerabilities in networks, and hunt down any data storage loopholes that these cyber gremlins might exploit. The result? A comprehensive report infused with valuable insights on potential dangers lurking behind the scenes. Think along the lines of high-risk web applications, malware-infected computers, data leakage incidents, and exploited vulnerabilities.
To top it all off, they are offering a full suite of recommendations on how to safeguard against these sneaky security risks. So hey, Bay Area folks – it’s not all doom and gloom! Guys like Steve are taking the fight straight to the cyber baddies, keeping us all a bit safer in this ever-evolving digital world. Here’s to stronger, more resilient cybersecurity – right here in our golden state.
by Morgan Phisher | HEAL Security